Lavoro Chloe
1-15 z 54 offerte di lavoroLeather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Leather Goods Costing Specialist

The Maison Chloé was founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, an Egyptian-born Parisienne who wanted to liberate women’s bodies from the stiffly formal fashion of the time through a luxury ready-to-wear offering.For almost 70 years, Chloé has been inspiring femininity by designing fashion collections and acc...

Pelletteria Richemont Firenze - Talent Acquisition Partner

PermanentRichemont owns some of the world’s leading luxury goods Maisons, with particular strengths in jewellery, watches, fashion, and accessories. Each Maison represents a proud tradition of style, quality, and craftsmanship, and Richemont seeks to preserve the heritage and identity of each of its...

Richieste di babysitter a Segrate

Sono Francesca ho 30 anni ed insieme al mio compagno Stefano di 36 anni viviamo a Segrate (MI) e siamo genitori di una splendida bimba di 20 mesi di nome Chloe. La piccolina una bimba molto solare, simpatica, buffa e molto affettuosa nonostante sia piuttosto vivace data l'et. Il mio lavoro fare la m...

Richieste di babysitter a Bologna

Ciao Siamo la mamma e il pap di Chloe e Sofia, due bimbe di quasi quattro anni. Le bimbe frequentano il primo anno della scuola dell'Infanzia e avremmo bisogno di una persona che sia disponibile sia a chiamata, a coprire malattie ed emergenze varie, che per 2 o 3 pomeriggi a settimana, andando a pre...

Domenico cerca una babysitter o tata a Caldogno

Siamo Domenico, Giorgia e la piccola Chloe Una famiglia che abita a Cresole, siamo in cerca di una babysitter che possa dare una mano a Giorgia nellintrattenere la piccola...

Silvia cerca una babysitter o tata a Castelleone

Ciao a tutti siamo Silvia, Romain e Chloe.Io e romain ci siamo conosciuti a Dublino e poi siamo tornati al paesello per far crescere Chloe in famiglia. Io faccio la prof all universit e sono vivace e solare . Romain francese ed molto dolce, calmo e razionale. Chloe una bimba molto dolce e curiosa. S...

Thayane cerca una babysitter o tata a Olgiate Olona

Ciao! Sono la mamma di Chloe, una bambina molto molto vivace ed energica. Ho bisogno di una tata per quando si ammala o per quando ho bisogno di fare qualche commissione. Ti va di presentarti ?...

Richieste di babysitter a Castelleone

Ciao a tutti siamo Silvia, Romain e Chloe. Io e romain ci siamo conosciuti a Dublino e poi siamo tornati al paesello per far crescere Chloe in famiglia. Io faccio la prof all universit e sono vivace e solare . Romain francese ed molto dolce, calmo e razionale. Chloe una bimba molto dolce e curiosa. ...